information about publication list | refereed journals | proceedings edited | proceedings contributions | conference contributions not in proceedings | correspondence | book reviews | translations | theses | talks
List of publications in one PDF file, sorted by type
Want to know why I've stopped submitting to arXiv?
An ideal present, for Christmas or any other occasion, for yourself or for anyone interested in astronomy, is a book which I have translated from German to English, namely The Cambridge Photographic Atlas of Galaxies (Cambridge as in Cambridge University Press). It is chock full of beautiful full-colour pictures of galaxies, with detailed descriptions of each object, often as a jumping-off point for discussion of more-general concepts, as well as several chapters of background material. The level is somewhere between a typical popular-astronomy book and a textbook. See the first link in this paragraph for links to reviews and the second for a preview and for ordering the book.
Feel free to cite me! To make it easier, here's a BibTeX file which contains nothing but my publications! Entries preceded by ADS, Google, ORBi, or ARIBIB indicate in which, if any, databases the corresponding entry appears (see next paragraph). Note that the ARIBIB information is available only until the middle of the year 2000.
You can decrease the load on my server by getting stuff from ADS, Google Scholar Citations, or ORBi, but keep in mind that some of the information provided at these sites is automatic and perhaps not 100% reliable. At ORCID I have essentially the same stuff I have at Google Scholar Citations, which is not surprising since the entries at ORCID were created by importing BibTeX exported from Google Scholar and adding a bit more information.
The ADS query, should return 97 results. Note that it is not just a query on my name, since that returns (rightly or wrongly, I'm not sure) some papers which are not mine. I've also created a public ADS library which should contain the same publications as the query plus one due to a different surname and a book I translated but did not write (so 99 in total), but check both to be sure since the library is maintained by hand. (Depending on what one is looking for, one or the other might be more useful.) There are also libraries for refereed publications in cosmology/astrophysics/astronomy (28) and other publications (71) (i.e. not normal refereed publications and/or not about cosmology/astrophysics/astronomy).
For more information about (including links to) my various publications, see the lists below. Here, page numbers in bold italics indicate that the main link to the official online version of the paper provides free access to the full paper. Otherwise, only part is available and/or some subscription is required. In such cases, if there is another link to the official online version which provides free access to the whole paper, this is listed separately before the DOI. (Usually, it is a link to the abstract where one can find links to PDF and, for all but the oldest papers, HTML versions.) (In order for this to work, you might occasionally have to delete some obviously named cookies from your computer and/or refresh your browser cache.) While DOIs themselves should always be valid, the actual site they resolve to can and does change. In some cases, DOIs now resolve to the same free, full version as that listed immediately before the DOI. Scanned articles at ADS are scans of the printed version, so this is another option to access the official content. The PostScript and PDF files on my site should correspond, except for minor matters of formatting, to the official versions, but keep in mind that these have been updated by hand when correcting the proofs. (In some cases, I don't have a self-generated PS or PDF file. Occasionally, this is the case for papers where I didn't actually physically write the paper and the original source has disappeared, so I have some scanned version from ADS. Most such cases are pieces for The Observatory which I did not write in LaTeX; here, I provide a PDF of the proof or, when it has become available, a scan from ADS. Note that the proofs might contain minor typos etc.)
A problem these days is having too many online publication lists, so here is a guide:
information about publication list
refereed journals
proceedings edited
proceedings contributions
conference contributions not in proceedings
book reviews
Papers in refereed journals
information about publication list
refereed journals
proceedings edited
proceedings contributions
conference contributions not in proceedings
book reviews
parameters and the redshift distribution of gravitational lenses"
2, 359–367 (April (II) 1996)
ADS: 1996A&A...308..359H
Google Scholar
"A general and practical
method for calculating cosmological
318, 3,
(February (III) 1997)
ADS: 1997A&A...318..680K
(duplicate 1:
(duplicate 2:
Google Scholar
galaxies: light or dark?"
334, 2,
(June (II) 1998)
ADS: 1998A&A...334L..33J
Google Scholar
image separation-source redshift relation for gravitational lenses
as a cosmological test"
298, 2,
(1 August 1998)
free, full, official version
ADS: 1998MNRAS.298..395H
Google Scholar
delay for the gravitational lens system B0218+357"
304, 2,
(7 April 1999)
free, full, official version
ADS: 1999MNRAS.304..349B
Google Scholar
lensing statistics with extragalactic surveys. I.
A lower limit on the cosmological constant"
344, 3,
(April (III) 1999)
ADS: 1999A&A...344..721Q
Google Scholar
lensing statics with extragalactic surveys. II.
Analysis of the Jodrell Bank-VLA Astrometric Survey"
136, 2,
(April (II) 1999)
ADS: 1999A&AS..136..297H
Google Scholar
lensing statistics with extragalactic surveys. III.
Joint constraints on $\lambda_{0}$ and $\Omega_{0}$ from lensing
statistics and the $m$-$z$ relation for type Ia supernovae"
350, 1,
(October (I) 1999)
ADS: 1999A&A...350....1H
Google Scholar
lensing statistics with extragalactic surveys. IV.
Joint constraints on $\lambda_{0}$ and $\Omega_{0}$ from gravitational
lensing statistics and CMB anisotropies "
353, 2,
(January (II) 2000)
ADS: 2000A&A...353..419M
Google Scholar
`Dark' lens or binary radio-loud quasar?"
361, 3,
(September (III) 2000)
ADS: 2000A&A...361..815K
Google Scholar
"A New Quadruple
Gravitational Lens System: CLASS B0128+437"
319, 2,
(1 December 2000)
free, full, official version
ADS: 2000MNRAS.319L...7P
Google Scholar
on Cosmological Parameters from the Analysis of the Cosmic
Lens All Sky Survey Radio-Selected Gravitational Lens Statistics"
(October 2002)
ADS: 2002PhRvL..89o1301C
Google Scholar
Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey. - II. Gravitational lens
candidate selection and follow-up"
341, 1,
(1 May 2003)
free, full, official version
ADS: 2003MNRAS.341...13B
Google Scholar
microlensing explain the long-term optical variability of quasars?"
408, 1,
(September (I) 2003)
ADS: 2003A&A...408...17Z
Google Scholar
Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey parent population - I.
Sample selection and number counts"
377, 1,
(1 May 2007)
free, full, official version
ADS: 2007MNRAS.377..430M
Google Scholar
there a flatness problem in classical cosmology?"
421, 1,
(21 March 2012)
free, full, official version
ADS: 2012MNRAS.421..561H
Google Scholar
m-z relation for type Ia supernovae, locally
inhomogeneous cosmological models, and the nature of dark
451, 2,
(1 August 2015)
free, full, official version
ADS: 2015MNRAS.451.2097H
Google Scholar
m-z relation for Type Ia supernovae: safety in numbers or
safely without worry?"
453, 4,
(11 November 2015)
free, full, official version
ADS: 2015MNRAS.453.3975H
Google Scholar
"Calculation of
distances in cosmological models with small-scale inhomogeneities and
their use in observational cosmology: a review"
OJA, 3,
(January 2020)
ADS: 2020OJAP....3....1H
Google Scholar
"The flatness
problem and the age of the Universe"
495, 4,
(July 2020)
free, full, official version
ADS: 2020MNRAS.495.3571H
Google Scholar
happened to the Dyer-Roeder distance?"
The Observatory, 140, 1277, 128–144 (August 2020)
ADS: 2020OBS...140..128H
Google Scholar
und Mond, or, the good, the bad, and the ugly: comments on the
debate between MOND and ΛCDM"
The Observatory, 140, 1279, 225–247 (December 2020)
ADS: 2020Obs...140..225H
PhilSci ARCHIVE: 18810
Google Scholar
"Can't get there from
here? Curious logic in the famous paper by Einstein and
de Sitter"
The Observatory, 141, 1282, 117–121 (June 2021)
ADS: 2021Obs...141.117H
Google Scholar
against the flatness problem in classical cosmology: a
46, 1,
(December 2021)
free, full, official version
ADS: 2021EPJH...46...10H
Google Scholar
The Observatory, 142, 1289, 142–156 (August 2022)
ADS: 2022Obs...142..142H
Google Scholar
drift and strong gravitational lensing"
519, 2,
(February 2023)
free, full, official version
ADS: 2023MNRAS.519.2769H
Google Scholar>
Phillip Helbig
to: Redshift drift and strong gravitational lensing"
528, 2,
(February 2024)
ADS: 2024MNRAS.528.1582H
Google Scholar
"Life, the Multiverse, and Fine-Tuning: Fact, Fiction, and Misconceptions"
Foundations of Physics,
53, 6,
free, full, official version
ADS: 2023FoPh...53...93H
PhilSci ARCHIVE: 24287
Google Scholar
Conference proceedings edited
information about publication list
refereed journals
proceedings edited
proceedings contributions
conference contributions not in proceedings
book reviews
Golden Lenses
Web proceedings
ADS: 1997gole.conf.....H
Google Scholar
Contributions to conference proceedings
Titles in bold (9/22) refer to talks I gave. All other
contributions (13/22) are posters, except #9, which was a talk given
by Neal Jackson. #16 was an invited talk; the rest were
contributed. At least those posters which I prepared myself
(i.e. not prepared by a co-author), marked by an asterisk
(7/22 total, 7/12 posters), are available both in the proceedings
version and in the original poster version, the latter, in the case of
those I prepared before 2010, as a single-page PostScript file available
both in A0 and A4 sizes (except for the first one, which consists of
multiple pages, because it was made before A0 printers became reasonably
common and cheap; after 2010, I used scalable fonts, so could just print
the A4 version at A0.).
information about publication list
refereed journals
proceedings edited
proceedings contributions
conference contributions not in proceedings
book reviews
"Determining cosmological
parameters through statistics of redshifts of lens
Gravitational Lenses in the Universe: Proceedings of the 31st Liège
International Astrophysical Colloquium
(ADS: 1993LIACo..31.....S)
J. Surdej,
D. Fraipont-Caro,
E. Gosset,
S. Refsdal &
M. Remy (eds.)
Liège: Université de Liège, pp. 33–39 (1993)
ADS: 1993LIACo..31...33K
Google Scholar
Note: Since this was written before my first marriage, it appeared
under my birth name "King".
parameters and gravitational lensing statistics"
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
and Cosmology
(ADS: 1995NYASA.759.....B)
H. Böhringer,
G. E. Morfill &
J. E. Trümper (eds.)
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 759,
600–603 (1995)
ISBN 0-89766941-X (cloth)
ISBN 0-89766942-8 (paper)
ADS: 1995NYASA.759..600H
Google Scholar
lens redshifts and magnitudes for gravitational lenses"*
Astrophysical applications of gravitational lensing: proceedings
of the 173rd Symposium of the International Astronomical
Union; held in Melbourne; Australia; 9–14 July; 1995
(ADS: 1996IAUS..173.....K)
C. S. Kochanek &
J. Hewitt (eds.)
Dordrecht: Kluver, pp. 21–22 (1996)
ISBN 978-94-009-0221-3
ADS: 1996IAUS..173...21H
Google Scholar
the value of the cosmological constant using JVAS/CLASS lensing
Observational Cosmology with the New Radio Surveys
(ADS: 1998ASSL..226.....B)
M. Bremer,
N. Jackson &
I. Péréz-Fournon (eds.)
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 226
Dordrecht: Kluver, pp. 339–340 (1998)
ISBN 0-7923-4885-0
ADS: 1998ASSL..226..339M
Google Scholar
the Hubble constant with lens time delays in an inhomogeneous
Proceedings of the Jodrell Bank Workshop `Golden Lenses'
Phillip Helbig &
N. Jackson (eds.)
WorldWideWeb proceedings
ADS: 1997gole.confE..27H
Google Scholar
parameters from the CERES project"*
Cosmological Parameters and the Evolution of the Universe:
Proceedings of the 183rd symposium of the International Astronomical
Union held in Kyoto, Japan, August 18–22, 1997
(ADS: 1999IAUS..183.....S)
Katsuhiko Sato (ed.)
Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic, p. 64 (1999)
ISBN 981-023499-6
ADS: 1999IAUS..183...64B
Google Scholar
"The delta theta-z_s
relation as a cosmological test"*
Proceedings of the twelfth Potsdam Cosmology Workshop
(ADS: 1998lsst.conf.....M)
V. Müller,
St. Gottlöber,
J. P. Mücket &
J. Wambsganß (eds.)
Singapore, World Scientific, pp. 319–320 (1998)
ISBN 981-023499-6
ADS: 1998lsst.conf..319H
Google Scholar
"A Search
for Large-Image-Separation Gravitational Lenses in the JVAS
Radio Survey"*
Proceedings of the twelfth Potsdam Cosmology Workshop
(ADS: 1998lsst.conf.....M)
V. Müller,
St. Gottlöber,
J. P. Mücket &
J. Wambsganß (eds.)
Singapore, World Scientific pp. 327–328 (1998)
ISBN 981-023499-6
ADS: 1998lsst.conf..327M
Google Scholar
on dark lenses"
Gravitational Lensing: Nature's Own Weighing Scales
(ADS: 1998NewAR..42.....A)
H. AbdelSalam,
K. Blundell,
J. Miller &
P. Saha (eds.)
New Astronomy Reviews 42, 2, 97–100 (1998)
Amsterdam: Elsevier
ADS: 1998NewAR..42...97J
Google Scholar
Cosmological Parameters with the JVAS and CLASS Gravitational Lens
Proceedings of the 19th Texas Symposium on Relativistic
Astrophysics and Cosmology
(ADS: 2000NuPhS..80.....P)
E. Aubourg,
T. Montmerle,
J. Paul &
P. Peter (eds.)
Nuclear Physics B, Proc. Suppl.,
CD-ROM (2000)
ADS: 2000NuPhS..80C1304H
Google Scholar
Time Delays and New MERLIN/VLA 5 GHz Maps of the Einstein Ring"*
Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals
(ADS: 2001ASPC..237.....B)
T. G. Brainerd &
C. S. Kochanek (eds.)
San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
PASP conference series No. 237, pp. 137–138 (2001)
ISBN 1-58381-074-9
ADS: 2001ASPC..237..137B
Google Scholar
and Ω0 from Lensing Statistics and Other Methods: Is
There a Conflict?"*
Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals
(ADS: 2001ASPC..237.....B)
T. G. Brainerd &
C. S. Kochanek (eds.)
San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
PASP conference series No. 237, pp. 145–146 (2001)
ISBN 1-58381-074-9
ADS: 2001ASPC..237..145H
Google Scholar
Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey"
Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals
(ADS: 2001ASPC..237.....B)
T. G. Brainerd &
C. S. Kochanek (eds.)
San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
PASP conference series No. 237, pp. 51–52 (2001)
ISBN 1-58381-074-9
ADS: 2001ASPC..237...51M
Google Scholar
Note that there are several proceedings contributions which list one,
two or a few authors plus "CLASS collaboration". Some of these gathered
some or all of the co-authors listed in the conference programme into
"CLASS collaboration" to save the space taken up by the names,
affiliations etc of the authors in the limited space provided in
proceedings contributions, especially in the case of posters since these
are often allowed fewer pages. Thus, on the basis of a proceedings
contribution which lists "CLASS collaboration" among the authors, it is
not clear whether the original author list contained more names or not.
Although officially part of the CLASS collaboration, I have not listed
any of these proceedings contributions here, even though I was involved
in some, except for the one above, since I was mentioned explicitly on
the original poster. (The names of all authors (actually fewer than the
entire CLASS collaboration), as listed above, appeared on the original
poster. The published version lists S. T. Myers and the Class
collaboration as authors. As a result, this is not listed at ADS under
my name.)
"The Current Status of CLASS"
L2K: Cosmological Physics with Gravitational Lensing: Proceedings
of the XXXVth Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, March 11–18, 2000
(ADS: 2001cpgl.conf.....T)
Jean Trân Thanh Vân,
Y. Mellier &
M. Moniez
Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, pp. 261–264 (2001)
ISBN 2-86883-531-7
ADS: 2001cpgl.conf..261H
Google Scholar
"The Lens-Redshift Test Revisited"
L2K: Cosmological Physics with Gravitational Lensing: Proceedings
of the XXXVth Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, March 11–18, 2000
(ADS: 2001cpgl.conf.....T)
Jean Trân Thanh Vân,
Y. Mellier &
M. Moniez
Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, pp. 279–282 (2001)
ISBN 2-86883-531-7
ADS: 2001cpgl.conf..279H
Google Scholar
in the λ0–Ω0 plane from
gravitational lensing"
New Cosmological Data and the Values of the
Fundamental Parameters, International Astronomical Union. Symposium
No. 201
(ADS: 2005IAUS..201.....L)
A. Lasenby &
A. Wilkinson (eds.),
San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 245 (2005)
ISBN 978-1-58381-212-9; 1-58381-212-1
ADS: 2005IAUS..201..245H
Google Scholar
Redshift Distribution of Flat-Spectrum Radio Sources at
Low Flux-Densities"
New Cosmological Data and the Values of the
Fundamental Parameters, International Astronomical Union. Symposium
No. 201
(ADS: 2005IAUS..201.....L)
A. Lasenby &
A. Wilkinson (eds.),
San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 76 (2005)
ISBN 978-1-58381-212-9; 1-58381-212-1
Google Scholar
"Current Status of the
Astrophysics Source Code Library"
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 32, 1600 (2000)
ADS: 2000AAS...19711605H
Google Scholar
Dark Matter with the Long-Term Variability of Quasars"
Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and
Their Use for Cosmology. Proceedings of the MPA/ ESO/ MPE/ USM Joint
Astronomy Conference
(ADS: 2002luml.conf.....G)
M. Gilfanov,
R. Sunyaev &
E. Churazov (eds.)
Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 550–552 (2002)
ISBN 3-540-43769-X
ADS: 2002luml.conf..550Z
Google Scholar
there a flatness problem in classical cosmology?"
Relativity and Gravitation: 100 Years after Einstein in Prague
Jiří Bičák &
Tomáš Ledvinka (eds.)
Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 555–561 (2014)
ISBN 978-3-319-06760-5 (print)
ISBN 978-3-319-06761-2 (online)
free, full, official version
ADS: 2014SPPhy.157..355H
Google Scholar
m-z relation for Type Ia supernovae, locally inhomogeneous
cosmological models, and the nature of dark matter"
Proceedings of the 28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic
free, full, official version (talk slides and proceedings
contribution at the conference website)
ADS: 2015tsra.confE...1H
Google Scholar
magnitude-redshift relation for type Ia supernovae, locally
inhomogeneous cosmological models, and the nature of dark
2016 Cosmology: Proceedings of the 51st RENCONTRES DE
Étienne Augé,
Jacques Dumarchez &
Jean Trân Thanh Vân (eds.)
ARISF, pp. 171–174 (2016)
ISBN 979-10-968-7901-4
slides of talk at Moriond website
ADS: 2016cosm.conf..171H
Google Scholar
against the flatness problem"
2022 Cosmology: Proceedings of the 56th Reconcontres de
Étienne Augé,
Jacques Dumarchez &
Jean Trân Thanh Vân (eds.)
pp. 331–332 (2022)
ISBN: 979-10-96879-16-8
(for the entire book)
ADS: 2022cosm.conf..331H
Google Scholar
quantities in cosmology"
2022 Cosmology: Proceedings of the 56th Reconcontres de
Étienne Augé,
Jacques Dumarchez &
Jean Trân Thanh Vân (eds.)
pp. 333–334 (2022)
ISBN: 979-10-96879-16-8
(for the entire book)
ADS: 2022cosm.conf..333H
Google Scholar
Conference contributions not included in proceedings
Unlike some people, I have never failed to deliver a contribution to the
proceedings if it was possible to have my contribution appear. So these
are contributions which didn't appear in the published proceedings, for
reasons beyong my control. Most are posters but also a regular talk and
a pre-recorded flash talk. In general, proceedingsless contributions
can occur either because the corresponding conference had no proceedings
at all or because posters were not included. At the moment, only the
former applies (but some of those conferences do have the slides of the
talks online, which is becoming increasingly common). (Note that
online-only proceedings, such as no. 21 above, are treated as other
proceedings, which is appropriate since today many journals, and even
some traditional journals, are online-only. In some cases, both a
traditional book was published and the contributions it contains are
available online—either individually or collectively—, as in
nos. 20 and 22, respectively, above.)
information about publication list
refereed journals
proceedings edited
proceedings contributions
conference contributions not in proceedings
book reviews
"Which flatness
problem does inflation solve?"
Poster presented at the
29th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Cape Town,
South Africa (December 2017) (no proceedings)
Google Scholar
"Life, the multiverse, and fine-tuning: do probabilities matter?"
Poster presented at
Cosmology 2018 in Dubrovnik
(there were no proceedings)
"The flatness
problem and the age of the Universe"
Poster presented at the
30th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Portsmouth, UK
(December 2019) (no proceedings)
Google Scholar
years of the flatness problem"
Pre-recorded flash talk at the online conference
Cosmology From Home 2021 (July 2021) (no proceedings)
Google Scholar
quantities in cosmology"
Talk presented at the
st31 Texas Symposium on
Relativistic Astrophysics, Prague, 12--16 October 2022
(no proceedings)
ADS: 2022tsra.confE..53H
Google Scholar
take it from me: literature overview of arguments against the
flatness problem"
Poster presented at the
31st Texas Symposium on
Relativistic Astrophysics, Prague, 12--16 October 2022
(no proceedings)
ADS: 2022tsra.confE...1H
Google Scholar
(Note that the PDF files linked to at the URLs referenced below might contain minor typos etc if they are from the proofs and not from the final product.)
information about publication list
refereed journals
proceedings edited
proceedings contributions
conference contributions not in proceedings
book reviews
The subjects of most of the talks are covered in the refereed-journal
articles and/or in the proceedings contributions. However, the talk
versions include less text and more pictures, so at least in some cases
it might be worth putting them up.
The list is incomplete before 2011. When I have time, I will add a list
of the older talks, just for documentation purposes. However, these
will be only "external" talks, i.e.;nbsp;not talks given at the
institute where I was working at the time nor at occasions such as
network meetings, workshops etc.
information about publication list
refereed journals
proceedings edited
proceedings contributions
conference contributions not in proceedings
book reviews
The Cambridge Photographic Atlas of Galaxies,
translation of
Bildatlas der Galaxien by
Michael König &
Stefan Binnewies
Cambridge University Press
ISBN 978-1-107-18948-5 (hardback)
Google Scholar
information about publication list
refereed journals
proceedings edited
proceedings contributions
conference contributions not in proceedings
book reviews
Bestimmung kosmologischer Parameter durch Rotverschiebungsstatistik
von Gravitationslinsen
Diplomarbeit written at the
Hamburg Observatory
under the supervision of
S. Refsdal,
December 1993
(Achtung: in German!)
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8116221
ADS: 1993MsT.........22H
Google Scholar
Cosmological Distances: Calculation of distances in cosmological
models with small-scale inhomogeneities and their use in observational
Doctoral thesis at the
University of Liège,
Department of Astrophysics, Geophysics and Oceanography
September 2021 (final version of thesis; oral defence was 19 October
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8116235
ADS: 2021PhDT........14H
Google Scholar
ADS: 2022Obs...142...76H (abstract)
The first item with links is for 2012. The reason is that before then
my talks were given with transparencies displayed on old-fashioned
overhead projectors and thus don't exist as a single file. The earlier
ones were even hand-written and thus don't exist as a file at all
(although some of the plots do). I will probably never put up the
hand-written ones, since the only practical way would be to scan them,
which is too much trouble. When I have some spare time, I might put up
the ones which were done in LaTeX. (Unlike the ones of 2012 and later,
not everything was in the PostScript file produced from LaTeX; in
particular, some plots were "standalone" and not included into the LaTeX
Talks at conferences
"Is there a flatness
problem in classical cosmology?"
Talk given at the conference
Relativity and Gravitation, 100 Years after Einstein in Prague,
June 25–29, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic on Wednesday 27 June 2012.
ISBN 978-3-319-06760-5 (print)
ISBN 978-3-319-06761-2 (online)
Seminars, colloquia etc
information about publication list
refereed journals
proceedings edited
proceedings contributions
conference contributions not in proceedings
book reviews
"Is there a flatness problem in classical cosmology?"
Phillip Helbig's research
Phillip Helbig's home page
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