The m-z relation for type Ia supernovae, locally inhomogeneous cosmological models, and the nature of dark matter


Don't worry, the paper discusses only the intersection of these topics, not the union.

We know that the universe is not homogeneous on small scales, and we know that such local inhomogeneities affect light propagation and hence distances which depend on angles, such as the luminosity distance. What does this mean for constraints on cosmological parameters derived from the m-z relation for type Ia supernovae? And, conversely, what does the fact that these constraints, when locally homogeneity is assumed, agree with other constraints mean for the nature of dark matter? Perhaps surprising is that the data indicate that the universe is homogeneous, even on small scales. This could come about in more than one way.

Some additional plots are available in a talk given in 2014.

This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society following peer review. The version of record is available at the URLs mentioned on the abstract page, in my publication list, and at the basic-information page for this work.

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