Review of The Hunt for Vulcan...And How Albert Einstein Destroyed a Planet, Discovered Relativity, and Deciphered the Universe by Thomas Levenson

Phillip Helbig

The Observatory, 137, 1256, 40–41 (February 2017)

This is a book review of The Hunt for Vulcan...And How Albert Einstein Destroyed a Planet, Discovered Relativity, and Deciphered the Universe by Thomas Levenson. Most readers of these pages have heard the story of Vulcan, but are probably not aware of the roles in its story played by a cigar factory, Texas Jack, and Thomas Edison as an embarrassed dude in the American West. Usually, the astronomical side of the story is told, with a postscript noting that Einstein provided the correct answer to the problem (in today's terminology, "modified gravity" rather than "dark matter"), or discussions of the work of Einstein note that his solution to the problem of Mercury's orbit was correct and the idea of Vulcan a blind alley. This book combines the two in about equal parts. Those not familiar with the story of Vulcan will probably not find a better synopsis and even those who are will probably learn something new.

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