This is a book review of A Student's Guide to Special Relativity by Norman Gray.
A Student's Guide to Special Relativity, by Norman Gray (Cambridge University Press), 2022. Pp. 229, 23 x 15 cm. Price £17.99/$23.99 (paperback, ISBN 978 1 108 99563 4).
This is a well-written thorough account of Special Relativity (SR) with an introduction to General Relativity (GR). Gray has taught courses on relativity for a couple of decades, and it shows. I think that this book is a very good description of SR. Gray mentions that his approach to SR is not the only one, nor even the only good one. Throughout the text, he occasionally refers to other treatments and how they differ from his own. I recommend the book to all interested in Special Relativity. Those new to it can learn it thoroughly from the ground up without being overloaded with maths. Those familiar with it might gain new insights and/or ideas for teaching the topic.