CERES, standing for the Consortium for European
Research on Extragalactic Surveys, is a
project funded by the European Commission's Training and Mobility of
Researchers programme involving 6 institutes in 4 countries. One of the
main objectives of the project is the determination of cosmological
parameters from survey data; here we report some preliminary results in
this area. There is much cooperation and some overlap with the CLASS
(Cosmic Lens All Sky
Survey) and JVAS (Jodrell Bank VLA
Astrometric Survey) teams, whose data form the
starting point of our investigations. The institutes forming the CERES
network are
University of Manchester, Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories,
Jodrell Bank, UK
University of Cambridge, Institute of Astronomy, UK
University of Groningen, Kapteyn Institute, The Netherlands
Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy, Dwingeloo,
The Netherlands
University of Bologna, Institute for Radioastronomy, Italy
University of Lisbon, Astronomical Observatory, Portugal
info and local links to full
ADS: 1999IAUS..183...64B
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last modified on Tuesday, December 31, 2013 at 11:21:41 PM
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