Is there a flatness problem in classical cosmology?

Phillip Helbig

MNRAS, 421, 1, 561–569, (21 March 2012)

I briefly review the flatness problem within the context of classical cosmology and examine some of the debate in the literature with regard to its definition and even the question whether it exists. I then present some new calculations for cosmological models which will collapse in the future; together with previous work by others for models which will expand forever, this allows one to examine the flatness problem quantitatively for all cosmological models. This leads to the conclusion that the flatness problem does not exist, not only for the cosmological models corresponding to the currently popular values of lambda_0 and Omega_0 but indeed for all Friedmann-Lemaître models.

info and local links to full paper | free, full, official version | doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.20334.x | ADS: 2012MNRAS.421..561H | Google Scholar
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