Review of Sidney Coleman's Lectures on Relativity edited by David Griffiths, David Derbes & Richard Sohn

Phillip Helbig

The Observatory, 142, 1290, 230–231 (October 2022)

This is a book review of Sidney Coleman's Lectures on Relativity edited by David Griffiths, David Derbes & Richard Sohn.

Sidney Coleman's Lectures on Relativity, edited by David Griffiths, David Derbes & Richard Sohn (Cambridge University Press), 2022. Pp. 259 25 x 17.5 cm. Price £34.99/$34.99 (hardbound, ISBN 978 1 316 51172 5).

Coleman died in 2007, and the lectures presented here are from 1966--1969, so why a new book? That is due mainly to Coleman's reputation as a good lecturer. The book is based on lecture notes by former students. With regard to Special Relativity it is not a beginner's book, but rather a resource for someone already knowledgeable of the topic (or for very bright students wanting to learn it from the ground up). This book is not for everyone, not even for everyone interested in relativity. But for the more mathematically inclined, both the detailed discussion of SR and the introduction to GR will prove useful.

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