B0218+357: Time Delays and New MERLIN/VLA 5 GHz Maps of the Einstein Ring

A. D. Biggs, I. W. A. Browne, P. N. Wilkinson, T. W. B. Muxlow, Phillip Helbig & L. V. E. Koopmans

in Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals (ADS: 2001ASPC..237.....B)
T. G. Brainerd & C. S. Kochanek (eds.)
San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific: PASP conference series No. 237, pp. 137–138 (2001)
ISBN 1-58381-074-9

This poster presents a new 5~GHz combined MERLIN/VLA map of B0218+357 which shows for the first time believable substructure in the Einstein ring. This will now be exploited for further constraints on the model which presently dominates the error on the estimate of $H_0$ derived from the time delay (10.5$\pm$0.4 days) measured for this system.

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