Welcome to Phillip Helbig's home page
Hopefully the pictures will aid folks trying to recognize me,
then or now.
As of 2025 I am one of the Editors of
The Observatory,
which is also as of 2025 a diamond–open-access journal (free to
readers and authors). (It has never been a for-profit operation; until
the end of 2024, the costs, mainly printing and postage, were covered by
subscriptions from libraries and individuals, but even then all content
showed up at
after a short delay.)
Want to know
why I've stopped submitting to arXiv?
An ideal present, for Christmas or any other occasion, for yourself or
for anyone interested in astronomy, is a
which I have translated from German to English, namely
The Cambridge Photographic Atlas of Galaxies
(Cambridge as in Cambridge University Press). It is chock full of
beautiful full-colour pictures of galaxies, with detailed descriptions
of each object, often as a jumping-off point for discussion of
more-general concepts, as well as several chapters of background
material. The level is somewhere between a typical popular-astronomy
book and a textbook. See the first link in this paragraph for links to
reviews and the second for a preview and for ordering the book.
To get the most out of my
pages, please see the
user's guide to my web pages,
which gives an overview of the structure of my pages and my reasons for
constructing them this way. Perhaps you only want to know
what's new.
Feel free to contact me...
I used to have a lot of contact information here. As always, of course,
the best way to contact me is by
Other relevant contact information will appear here when appropriate.
I used to work at the
stock exchange.
I got to work with
at the stock exchange, which is what attracted me to the position. I
also appreciated the chance to learn about Rdb.
Here are my pages' basic divisions:
Other stuff
Since December 1997, I have been one of the moderators of the
newsgroup; since April 2016 , I have been one of the moderators of
Feel free to send me comments or questions about my web pages or anything
else by email to
last modified on Friday, January 24, 2025 at 04:43:09 PM by