A match-making metric

Phillip Helbig

Astronomy & Geophysics, 65, 3, 3.36–3.37 (June 2024)

Getting a job in astronomy can be a fraught process. Institutions vie to select from a pool of candidates, who are in turn vying to select from a pool of institutions. Phillip Helbig has come up with a plan to make it all rather easier. The scheme seems on the surface of it to work quite well: institutes rank applicants, good candidates might be able to negotiate more if they have more than one offer, and eventually all jobs are filled. Most jobs are advertised in the autumn so that competing offers can be compared without being forced to accept a less desirable job only because it has an earlier deadline. This can be avoided with a common deadline, as is exercised in high-energy physics, where most offerst adhere to a decision deadline of 7 January. However, there are many other things which could be improved.

info and local links to full paper | free, full, official version | doi:10.1093/astrogeo/atae033 | ADS: 2024A&G....65.3.36H | Google Scholar
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