Participants at the Workshop on Golden Lenses held at Jodrell Bank from 23 to 25 June 1997

[picture of participants]

A tentative identification of the participants, from left to right, is: Oliver Prouton, Leon Koopmans, Alex McGuinness, Dan Marlow, Andy Biggs, Emily Xanthopoulos, Chris Moore, Liz Corbett, Sunita Nair, Ger de Bruyn, Liliya Williams, Richard Porcas, Alok Patnaik, Peter Schneider, Paul Schechter, Bernard Geiger, Phillip Helbig, Olaf Wucknitz, Chuck Keeton, Ian Browne, Ari Maller, Jens Hjorth, Tomislav Kundic, Dennis Walsh, Peter Wilkinson.

Not pictured are: Neal Jackson, Steve Myers and Joachim Wambsganß.

last modified on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 10:51:48 PM by helbig@mNuOlStPiAvMa!